
Monday, December 29, 2008


Recovering, but......

Who is playing with my soul?
I thought i was dead
But who is is taking me out from my sleep?
First no existence
Then the spirit of a small child was taken
And all of a sudden a humanoid silhouette
The spirit looked baffled
Looking all around and searching for the meaning
Another spirit was taken and joined the first
It was of an old lady
But Not alone the two spirits were mixed
The ladies amazement was equal to the child
When you look to that silhouette
You see alternation between them
One moment the child is crying
Another you see the lady disoriented
A third spirit was added a rapist
Evil dripping from him even in the after life
And another, it was a fallen soldier
Roaring each time he came to view
And another a lady in red
And another, and another, and another ...
The mix was diabolic, but the spirits weren't
The alternating souls was like a window to hell
All of a sudden the silhouette was sent back to earth
And everyday I wake up with a face
Every moment another soul
This why I'm The ToubledSoul