
Monday, May 14, 2007

Two Gods

Sorry but this is something I keep repeating and visualizing in my mind, so why not share... :D

ll though I believe in one God
But two invaded my beliefs
The first is the God of fire
Calling for revenge
Demanding action
Expecting revolt
The second is the God of wind
Calming my anger
Drawing stability
Establishing peace
Who will win?


lois said...

...whOmever yOu chOOse...but I believe that yOu are better than fOllOwing the God of Fire...


ezou said...

Action Action Action and always action for u :P

lois said...

nOOO....u misunderstOOd me...(better THAN and NOT better OFF)...I meant...I believe in the greater gOOd in yOu...that yOu are better THAN a persOn whO wants a revenge...I always thOught that yOu wOuld just shrug it and say "This too shall pass"...because that's what a gOOd persOn like yOu wOuld dO...

ezou said...

ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was nice.........
who said misunderstandings are bad..... look what a nice compliment Jess gave me when I misunderstood her XOXOXOX :D

BHCh said...

I was visited by the god of wind the other day. Must have been the beans.

ezou said...

FU shlemazl :P
I was bonding there :S

lois said...

yea all the reading between the lines dOesn't just dO it fOr yOu dOes it?...yOu need an elabOrate sentence...but seriOusly i'm telling yOu...revenge is a tempOrary fix it can Only last fOr sO lOng befOre it cOmes flying back tO yOur face....let it gO

ezou said...

yeah i'm slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww these days i have a fever (realy 40deg C :S) but i'm trying my best between ur ooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwssssss.,.............i mean ur lines............:P