
Sunday, February 11, 2007

The fading light

Today my sources got me two writings,
I wish she reads them,
It may move a feeling or two,
I hope.
What do you think?

I refuse

I refuse to go into your game
Forgive me almighty God
For I go against your wishes
For I refuse this already planned game
For I want to kill the feeling inside
In front of you I rise and say
I rise and object
I rise and say it isn’t fair
Have mercy on us
You who is mercy
Spare me
For I can’t see him crying
I can’t know he is suffering
I refuse
I demand my right to back off
To kill the feeling inside
For I am afraid of hurting and of being hurt
I am a human


All I know is that this is unfair
To love and leave
To go back again
And try it all again
From the beginning
Take all the taken chances
And risk it all again
Why almighty God
Why you tempt us
Why create us
When all our life
Will be wondering
And taking choices
Until the moment of your death
You are still worried about the right
What is the right?
Are we dolls ?
All we seek is to find the soul partner
That person who will make you happy
Even though life is all against you
Why feeling
Why loving
Why living
It is all agony
Mysterious game