
Sunday, February 25, 2007

Two brief moments

This weekend I managed to steal her
For two brief moments I succeeded
Two days were my brief moments
For two days, I would hear her whispering
In my ear before I wake up
For two days, I would hear her talking freely
To me, again about her, and her life
For two days, I rarely heard his name
No more SJ, no more them
For two days I remembered how it felt
To hear her say us again
To see her smile for me
To feel her presence beside me
Oh God I thought to myself
If this what you call friendship
I just want to be her friend
But after every dream there's a wake up call
But after every starry night there's a morning
And again I was hit by a small word
A word that brought me back to reality
How high I would climb
How hard I would try
She betrayed us
she loved someone else
She even told me
That she had plans with him for summer
Oh E, sweet E
Don't you know
How deep small words can go
They don't just pierce the heart
They can reach the dreams
And another time
My brief moments
Were shatered like a thrown mirror from the sixth floor
To hit the ground and shatter to a million piece
No matter how hard I try to summon them
All I have are shattered dreams


Libyan Violet said...

commenting here again , just in case you did not read it on my blog )

Hi Ezou ,thank you for coming to my blog what I will tell you may sound bland now that you are still grieving the breakup with your fiancee , but believe me if it was not meant to be you're better off now then when there are kids involved. You are still very young and if your lost it means she was not your soulmate. You never use a soulmate Ezou, you find him/her but sometimes you cannot be toghether , but you can still be in touch and for each other even if you are accross continents and each one of you with your own kids and spouse. You just wait for the next lifetime when you can meet.

PS commented on the post below by mistake sorry

ChrisinMB said...

Ezou! Damn you're a lucky guy!

Getting such a sweet comment from Violet like that! LOL, I was going to suggest reading her blog!
(she's always great & insightful)

I'm so jealous now!

BHCh said...

LoL. I see Chris's strategy is bearing fruit.

Check out this blog:

It's Middle Eastern Decameron. Well written: salacious, but funny and surprisingly tasteful.

ezou said...

Yeah shlemazl, Chris is now my new idol :P, but he is costy, he started to sending me bills :D
10x for the link, i'm monitoring it, closely :P